Virtual campus recruitment strategies

10 Strategies for Virtual campus recruitment in 2023 (For Corporates)

It can be challenging to strike the perfect chord in the talent war. So, use technology to your advantage to dominate the competition and make the virtual campus hiring process a success. To learn more about it, we’ve compiled the top 10 tactics that will offer you an advantage and make hiring easier.

Hiring fresh talents was never an easy task. But we saw an ultimate revolution in the recruitment industry when digitization hit. AI backed it, and companies started adopting innovative solutions.

And then, the campus recruitment drives up its game using automation. To scout the best talent, they must adapt to the strategies that can help them accelerate their hiring process. Though some technicalities needed to be understood, the amount of time, business, and productivity it will enhance, we were sure it’d gravitate toward positive ways.

These strategies will help the ecosystem of companies, institutions, and students to identify the critical elements in the virtual campus hiring process and improve them for the better.

Let’s talk about the strategies from which you can achieve maximum results with minimum effort.

10 Strategies for virtual campus recruitment in 2022.

1. Create a solid hiring strategy.

Building a solid plan for virtual campus drives is the first step toward hiring candidates. Identifying the skill gaps in the internal departments and knowing what to hire is the dire need of the situation. When you’re done with accessing the number of talents to hire, you can connect with universities, detailing your requirements plan.

To top the virtual campus interviews, recruiters can make sure to hire from a diverse pool of candidates. This will help them to cater to the best talent and get onboarded with the expertise of the subject.

2. Transparency and authenticity to the eco system.

Be honest and open about any information concerning the job and the company. It builds trust in the ecosystem, which will give you authentic results.

This is how the transparent strategy helps.

3. Adopt virtual campus recruiting software.

According to LinkedIn, 68% of recruiting professionals say investing in new technology is the best way to improve recruiting performance.

We can go on and on about listing the benefits of adopting the automated recruitment platform for your virtual campus hiring process, but we will state them in straightforward ways:

  • It will increase your hiring speed by taking the manual work off the table and will help you focus more on increasing productivity.
  • Will help you with the end-to-end recruitment process, from initially sourcing candidates to rolling out offers.
  • Can be customized as per your hiring needs.
  • They are robust and cost-effective.
  • Eliminates biased hiring decisions
  • Improves candidate experience.

4. Increase your university talent pool.

Be flexible about onboarding new universities to the platform. This can be a process to identify/target the colleges.

  • Make a list of colleges that fit your requirements.
    It can be based on how much budget you’re planning to spend.
    Can be based on the job opening or the position of hiring.
    Or how much diversity in candidates you’re looking for.
  • It will help you hire the right candidate with the pipeline you have in your bucket.
  • Expanding your horizons can benefit both the employer and the candidates to achieve what they want.

5. Enabling in-built assessment tests.

Most companies discover candidate competency through assessments. Now that virtual campus hiring has taken place, judging a candidate’s skills and getting the right talent is a competent phenomenon.

That’s where Superset jumped in and was accepted by big corporates for their hiring and placement drives. The reasons being:

  • It has in-built assessment integration that provides simple shortlisting and instant results.
  • It can be customized as per the hiring needs of the companies, as it has open APIs to integrate with other assessment vendors.

6. Platform for conducting video interviews.

The most crucial aspect when conducting interviews virtually is to have a video platform that is accessible and user-friendly. To conduct an efficient video interview, you must have a well-equipped platform that helps you expedite the virtual campus interviews.

Superset, an innovative and AI-backed automated platform, comes up with an in-built video call simulator that helps students and companies to share screens and have in-call chats. It is mobile-friendly and even captures the candidate’s real-time movement.

It also saves you from malpractice and deduplication. Want to know how?

It captures images at:
● Registration
● Assessment (by test vendor)
● During video interview

Option 1: AI-based matching with the previous photo to stop impersonation and block flagged students
Option 2: One-click verification by a panelist to ascertain uniformity

7. Focus on data and insights.

Now that technology has taken the world by storm; there was a time when traditional hiring was in line; recruiters physically visited the campuses, costing them a lot of money. The data was churned manually, and recruiters were constantly engaged in mundane activities. But now, we have seen a dynamic shift in the hiring process. With constant technological upgradation, the data and insights on recruitment drives are available with just a click. It helps us to check the overall performance and understand the shortcomings that can be revised later.

You need to pay closer attention to some data when determining the effectiveness of recruitment strategies:

  • How many hires do you need to make from a campus?
  • How many candidates have applied and sat in an interview?
  • How many hires are done?
  • The offer-to-acceptance ratio.
  • What is the retention rate of the newly hired candidates from the date of joining?

This way, you can analyze the metrics and identify any gaps. The numbers are always helpful in knowing what strategies are working out and what needs to be improved.

8. Leverage social media to find the right prospect.

In today’s world, where smartphones have become the right hand of students or college graduates, recruiters should know how to leverage them for their own benefit.

According to StandOut CV, 91% of all employers currently use social media as part of their hiring process.

So, post your job postings on LinkedIn, FaceBook, and Instagram for wider reach and to attract the diversified potential. The algorithm for every platform is a bit different. For example,

9. Effective use of virtual hiring.

It is basically the hiring that is conducted in the comfort of your own place. Now that it is prevalent and is in gaining popularity, recruiters need to standardize the process and make it remote-friendly. It means using a platform that can fulfill all your hiring needs and be an efficient collaborator in your virtual campus hiring.

When you’re hiring virtually, many concerns need recruiters’ attention. But the main one is to provide timely feedback to the candidates. With Superset, you can give your feedback in one place, which ensures transparency and also keeps the students updated about their progress. This also helps the TPOs to track the student’s performance and analyze the shortcomings, if any — clearly a win-win situation for everybody.

Virtual hiring, when used effectively, it produces excellent results.

  • It improves candidate experience,
  • Gives you a diversified pool of candidates to choose the best hire,
  • Provides comfort in conducting interviews,
  • And gives you the best results.

10. Create customized recruitment campaigns.

When recruiters decide to hire virtually from campuses, they should be very clear about the message put out to them.

The company can customize its campaign and make it unique. It should have the following:

  • What is the company about?
  • Fundamental values and crucial information will help the candidates access the company’s information and make rational decisions.
  • What the company has to offer to the students.

This can be made more engaging by arranging quiz competitions or personal one-to-one discussions. Many companies organize hackathons, webinars, or a competition to give internships to students who crack it.

Now that you know these effective campus recruitment strategies implement them, and we guarantee you’ll notice the hiring quality and productivity increment. It has the potential to scout the best talent, minimizing your efforts and saving your time and money on mundane tasks.

Virtual recruitment has the power to give you the edge you deserve and provide you with the best of opportunities.

Now having the strategies unraveled, join Superset in making a revolutionary change!

Rashi Maheshwari

Rashi started her journey with Axis Bank as an Assistant Manager and soon realized it was not her calling. She was adamant about changing her profession but had many doubts. Writing, debating, and journaling landed her first content writing job; the graph has been incredibly thrilling since then. She is currently working at Superset and climbing the ladder to enhance her journey with more freshly brewed ideas.

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